The SA’R SAN Project aims to promote and reinforce the rights and well-being of Roma children and families and to create favorable pre-conditions for social inclusion and individual-community development. We work towards this goal through a multi-faceted, expressive, participatory learning process which offers opportunities – in Expressive and Creative Arts Workshops - for children and adults to express their ideas and feelings, needs and cultures, encounter others, acquire self esteem and build cognitive and social skills. 

The project also strives to facilitate and accompany communication and collaboration between the key actors in the children’s everyday care environments: from families to schools, from neighbors to social services, from institutions to local cultural agents, etc. A primary goal is to bring the children’s (Roma and non) voices and proposals into a coordinated neighborhood and city-wide dialog and co-planning process concerning the situation of Roma children’s and families’ everyday physical and care environments and to identify shared strategies and initiate actions for the improvement of neighborhood relations, spaces and overall living conditions.

We are convinced that the innovative, participatory approaches of our “little project” could represent an effective contribution in overcoming preconceptions, prejudices and conflicts and might inform and re-direct present-day national and city policy and actions regarding the dramatic living conditions and rights violations of children and families of the so-called “Nomad” population.

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